Wednesday, September 16, 2009

The problem with non - my take

In a recent blog, Seth Godin said some things that have caused quite a stir on Twitter and with those that work for and with non-profits. In his blog post, The problem with non, he talks about how non-profits are resistant to change.

There are a couple parts of his blog that I agree with:

  • Too many non-profits aren't willing to take the leap from the traditional to the new. If the donations are coming in - even if they have slowed down - they aren't willing to risk those donations to go find new ones. But, for many non-profits this means that they are not engaging younger activists, volunteers and donors and have a donor population that is just going to continue to age. 

There are other parts of his blog that I disagree with:

  • Not all non-profits should crowdsource their social media efforts. While crowdsourcing works for some groups, it can backfire on others. 
  • Social media is not free. Some of the tools may be free, the resources that it takes to write the messages and get them online are not. 
  • I see interactions with non-profits that blow me away on a regular basis. 
Other people's responses: 

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